Crawford & Stearns / Architects & Preservation Planners, PLLC
The professional firm of Crawford & Stearns / Architects and Preservation Planners, PLLC, was originally established in 1979 and currently consists of seven persons including three licensed architects (one LEED-certified), one preservation planner, one designer, one architectural intern, and administrative staff.
From its offices in Syracuse, NY, Crawford & Stearns has provided services for various projects large and small, primarily in New York as well as in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, North Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Michigan.
Since its inception the firm has focused on the restoration, preservation, and adaptive reuse of architecturally, historically, and culturally significant resources and has worked successfully with several hundred National Register-listed properties utilizing a wide variety of private and public funding sources (EPF, Bond Act/EQBA, Save America’s Treasures, member items, CDBG, Restore NY, RARP, USDA, HCR, HHAP, USDA, Preservation League of NYS, NY Landmarks Conservancy, IMLS, private foundations, and others) requiring approval by the SHPO and/or the National Park Service and related compliance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards.
The firm offers a wide range of professional services including:
• Preservation Planning and Feasibility Studies
• Documentation and Restoration of Historic Properties
• Historic Structure Reports and Building Condition Assessments
• Documentation, Restoration & Design of Adirondack & Log Structures
• Outdoor Monument Conservation Consulting
• Planning for Museums and Historic Sites
• Main Street and Downtown Revitalization Programs
• Design of Architecturally Compatible Infill Housing
• Architecturally Sympathetic Additions & New Buildings
• Historically Compatible Handicapped Accessibility
• Adaptive Reuse of Existing Buildings
• Building Code Compliance and Code Variances
• Local, State & Federal Historic Preservation Compliance Requirements
• Historic Preservation Investment Tax Credit Consulting
Successful projects require the sensitive accommodation of applicable building codes and life safety standards, specific program needs established by those using the building as well as by various funding sources or licensing agencies, handicapped accessibility requirements, the physical limitations inherent with any existing structure, as well as relevant historically or architecturally significant features. In pursuit of these objectives Crawford & Stearns is well accustomed to providing flexible services best suited to a particular project's needs and funding.