Eagle Island Camp / Upper Saranac Lake, NY
Eagle Island Camp is located on a wooded island in Gilpin Bay on Upper Saranac Lake. The Adirondack Great Camp summer retreat, which is now a National Historic Landmark, was designed by architect William L. Coulter and constructed in 1903 for NY Governor and US Vice-President Levi Morton. The property became a Girl Scout Camp in 1938 and operated until it closed in 2009. In 2015 it was purchased by the not-for-profit Eagle Island, Inc. whose mission includes “to provide an environmentally responsible island camp experience for youth, with an emphasis on girls and young women, while preserving Eagle Island’s natural and historic character”. In 2016 Crawford & Stearns prepared a Conditions Assessment report for 14 structures in the 31 acre complex which supported a successful application for funding from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (NYS EPF). The firm then prepared Phase 1 contract documents for the Main Lodge, Family Cabin, Dining Pavilion, Kitchen, Laundry, and Guide House. This work included restoration and stabilization including structural components, rustic log work, rafter tails, decking, chimney restoration, and new roofing and was completed in 2020. Additional funding was procured for work on the island under Phase 2 through both the NYS EPF Program and the Save America’s Treasures (SAT) program of the National Park Service. Crawford & Stearns prepared construction documents and Phase 2 work was completed in 2023. Phase 3 construction work, funded in part with a third NYS EPF grant, will begin in 2024, prior to the summer camping season.